My Fav Podcasts

Find these on your favorite podcast app and give them a listen. I have picked out my favorite episodes from each one, as sometimes it's hard to know where to start!

99% Invisible

You can find more about this podcast here.

420 - The Lost Cities of Geo

This episode inspired me to make this website. I reject the idea that the web should be all corporate & professional. That it should be sleek and uniform in design. Bring back the under construction gifs. Have a listen and you may be inspired.

Facebook recently flexed it's muscles in Australia over some news legislation, banning all Australian news links for a little while. It made me realise how much of a monopoly they have over us. This website is also a little fuck you to Zuckerberg.

Thanks for that, Neocities!

415 - Goodnight Nobody

Apparently, there's some controversy around Dr Suess at the moment as the publisher has decided to stop producing 6 titles, because they contain racist content. There is an assumption that no one person has control of books that are published and distributed. This little tale might bring some perspective on book censorship. It has been happening all along!

414 - The Address Book

This podcast often reminds me of how extreme things can be in the USA. We can see faint echos of these issues in Australia, but it is almost like reading a Greek Tragedy, spelling out the worst case scenario and making me think, "at least we aren't THERE, yet." Though, are we?

More podcasts to be added soon